Master for Humanitarians! | Madrid | Santiago de Chile | Brussels

Master for Humanitarians!

Did you know there is an international association of Universities that offers education and training in humanitarian action? Well, there is, and it is called NOHA.

This association has enhanced professionalism in the Humanitarian sector since 1993, for 20 years! More than 3,000 graduates have completed the Joint Master’s in International Humanitarian Action they coordinate, and we have filmed some of them.

You can see a longer version too here.





Caribeans and the Belgian Chocolate Factory

Up & Coming went abroad again! We filmed all over Belgium a very nice proyect you are gonna love! We were hired by the Centre for the Development of Enterprise (CDE) to filmed one of their sweetest projects.

The institution, which is a ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific)/EU joint Institution created in the framework of the Cotonou Agreement, invited a group of chocolate industry professionals from Trinidad & Tobago, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica to improve their skills in Belgium. There they met with Bart Van Cauwenberghe, World Chocolate Ambassador, and owner of amazing chocolateire De Zwarte Vos.
Also, they visited one of the most popular shops in Brussels, Chocopolis.
You can see the video in French too here.



Up & Coming promueve un reportaje para la Comisión Europea en TVE1

Estamos encantados! El video de Up & Coming sobre los voluntarios europeos que hicimos el pasado mes lo ha utilizado Los desayunos de TVE, el programa diario de actualidad, política, entrevistas y debate presentado por María Casado. El programa, que se ve de lunes a viernes a las 9.00 en La 1, emitió una noticia que hizo la periodista Olga Guerrero sobre esta iniciativa, gracias a nuestras imágenes. La Dirección General de Ayuda Humanitaria de la Comisión Europea nos encargó que fuésemos a Bruselas a grabar la reunión de los primeros voluntarios de la UE.

Puedes ver más información en este link sobre los Voluntarios de la Comisión Europea.

La iniciativa EU Aid Volunteers en Los Desayunos de TVE